

What the ???

by on Jan.30, 2013, under Rants, Religion

Was Reading this -> Stop Validating Ignorance

Really good read about how sad our Education is in this country, but the one that that disturbed me the most was this.

we provide the question:The Earth goes around the sun and takes a year to do it; true or false?Almost every year, 50 percent of the people get that wrong.

What the Hell!!!

1/2 of you asked don’t know the Earth orbits the Sun?
Well actually they orbit the barycenter of the Earth,Moon / Sun, but that barycenter is inside the Radius of the Sun, so we can safely call it Orbiting the Sun.


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DC Cops

by on Jul.26, 2012, under Rants

I’m often reading Carlos Miller’s blog and how Police seem to hate being photographed.

Well it appears as though some of them also don’t know how to read or understand police memos.

Just days after releasing the policy that Police can’t take your cell phone / camera because you photographed them. This officer decided that the rules just Don’t apply to them.  Not that they can afford it, but I hope they get sued again for Millions.

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