
The Rainbow

by on Jun.27, 2012, under Rants, Religion

Was checking out Facebook and saw the Oreo post.

Proudly support love!

Rainbow OREO Cookie

Now you may love or hate OREO, you may approve or disapprove of Gay Pride.

But the one thing I noticed is that in normal life People seem to hide their feelings quite well.  But the Rainbow seems to bring out a persons true colors.  If they Hate Gay Pride, but hide it in normal life, online the’ll come out full with both Guns blazing when a corporation post a Rainbow version of their product.  If they Love Gay Pride, they may be your coworker, and you’ll never notice, but online They’ll rave & support the corporation also.

Me, I’m not gay, But if you are, fine.  Your marriage will not effect my marriage any any way.  I’ll let you live your life however you want.  I’ll try to live my live according to my beliefs.   Will I share what I believe with you ?  I might if you ask.  The one thing I will not do is Force you to live by my beliefs if your actions don’t effect me.

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